sábado, 5 de enero de 2008

El discurso de un ganador

That is what we started here in Iowa, and that is the message we can now carry to New Hampshire and beyond; the same message we had when we were up and when we were down; the one that can change this country brick by brick, block by block, calloused hand by calloused hand - that together, ordinary people can do extraordinary things; because we are not a collection of Red States and Blue States, we are the United States of America; and at this moment, in this election, we are ready to believe again. Thank you, Iowa.

Éstas y otras hermosas palabras forman parte del discurso de Obama tras su victoria en Iowa.
Ahí están los valores que le hacen ganar y ganar: la unidad del pueblo americano, el concepto de nación y la esperanza de conseguir un país mejor para todos y con la ayuda de todos.

Para ver el vídeo de dicho discurso o leerlo completo, este link.

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